Entries by Charles McClelland

Great bosses build great teams

Teamwork – there’s a hint in the name: teams work. The sum is always greater than the parts: Teams outperform individuals hands-down. When you make teams from individuals they go from invisible to unstoppable. Think about it: if you want something difficult done: do you walk into a random room and ask for help? No […]

So you’re a new Director then?#2

This is the second in a series of two posts about a friend of mine who came into our local hostelry, positivly glowing, pruning themselves like the proverbial Peacock. When I asked what has brought this new sheen on they told me “I’ve just been made a Director” I didn’t have the heart to ask […]

So you’re a new Director then! #1

A friend of mine came into our local hostelry, positive glowing, pruning themselves like the proverbial Peacock. When I asked what has brought on this new “sheen” they told me “I’ve just been made a Director” I didn’t have the heart to ask if they knew what it actually meant – but I’ll share it […]

Why Good Time Management is Essential

Good time management is good for the owners and management of a business, but it’s actually good for everyone, and then it translates into a better bottom line. We all know that setting a good example is the best way to lead The values and work ethic displayed by a company’s owners and senior management […]

The 3 types of mentor you MUST have

This is from an article by Martin Barlow. I have shortened it slightly and I hope you like itwith thanks to: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/327671 Do you need to make decisions but feel you don’t have all the inputs you’d like?   If anything defines the life of a business owner, it is incomplete information. One way that […]

The Eight Classic Signs . . .

As a leader, you might think you should have everything figured out already, but this simply isn’t true. While all of us have our own talents, leadership skills are often something we have to learn along the way. Enter the business coach. A business coach oversees and guides a manager or founder in starting, growing […]